Wind Farm

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • Corvo20

    I live near a wind-farm. Let me try to get some pictures to further explain my point (I have to dig on old photos on CD).

    But in short, yeah, it's audible.

    • Louder than a major road/highway a few blocks away?monospaced
    • I guess it depends on a few things, also the make/model and if it's a windy area (it must be if they are there, just how windy)jimbojones
    • just how windyjimbojones
    • it depends on how the main winds go in a given terrain and where your house is set.Corvo2
    • Not louder than a road. It's more like a constant hum-hum, which you're bound to neglect after habit.Corvo2
    • I regret them in two ways: first of all there's a significant impact on landscape in what you can call the aesthetics.Corvo2
    • (the mountains don't look so unexplored with those wind-mills on top)Corvo2
    • (this may be bad for tourism)Corvo2
    • Secondly, they do make noise (but I live near a 20 unit farm) and the place doesn't look the same any more.Corvo2
    • It's not unbearable noise, though.Corvo2

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