does marketing need design?

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • ukit0

    Designers will always be one or two steps ahead of the plug and play tools that are out there.

    10 years ago, a non designer could throw a piece of clip art into their Word doc. Now, maybe they will put up a Wordpress theme. Well, that's great for them, instead of an ugly webpage they have a nice template. But the idea that that somehow negates professional design or makes it irrelevant...just silly.

    This guy also seems to forget that graphic design isn't just a web page layout. Is there gonna be a template for your product packaging? Book design? Signage for the subway or bus stop? Are big companies going to use templates to create their logo and branding? Or to create the interfaces for their web application that are used by millions of people? Will cell phone UIs be created with a template? Video games?

    Even if those all became easily creatable by a non designer, which is a huge stretch, it still wouldn't negate the need for a professional designer, any more than the invention of the word processor negated the need for professional writers. Ultimately, it's the need for decent ideas, not the ease of use or accessibility of the tools, that creates the need for the profession.

    • yep. when 2 people have the same template and one of them wants to improve it, there we are.airey

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