ext hardrive

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  • zarkonite0

    You could troubleshoot the connector board if there are more than one type of connections (USB/Firewire/eSata), happened to one of my WD drives that just the Firewire was broken...

    Most portable drives detect sudden motion and will park the head into a safe zone (just like a vinyl), I'd rip the thing apart and try directly in the comp...

    You could also boot up with a recovery OS like Knoppix, it fits on a DVD and it tends to be "smarter" about accessing data. It's helped me quite a few times to recup drives that wouldn't mount otherwise.

    Also, you could manually force-mount the drive in OSX using "sudo mount -t" in the terminal... you'll just have to use the drive manager to figure out which hardware address the thing's at.

    I've got more solutions if you're really brave =P

    • thanks, i took it apart...is getting raped by a data recovery service not worth a damn?dewilde

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