Photographer's Spam Mail

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • 35 Responses
  • hunterwillis0

    Yeah a good photographer shouldn't have to lower themselves to the level of spam. But they do!! What do you suggest he do instead of email promos? Photographers have been sending out promo cards for decades and e-mail promotions are really no different. They are about 5"/7" they have the photographers name, contact info and a picture. E-mail and snailmail promos are an established industry medium for promotions. Maybe you don't want your inbox inundated with photographers e-mails but would you rather have your desk covered with them like back in the day. I knew an editor at magnum in the eighties and she would get hundreds of actual physical postcards on her desk every week and it was her job to look through them. Do you know why? Because that way she could find the best photographers for the job. I assume that you are get these e-mails because you hire photographers from time to time? Well aren't you interested in hiring a good one? Its not like he was trying to sell you a bean pie or porn! No, you buy pictures and he sells pictures! Shame on him for having the nerve to think you might like to buy his pictures! Would you prefer it if every person who wanted show their work called you directly we could do that you know. I am sure that would get old pretty quick too. No this spam/email promo is actually better isn't. Its simple, quick, easy to opt out of, takes up zero space, its green for %#$@ sake and it only takes up as much time as you want it to. If you don't like it opt out or trash it but the personal attack is just low. His response is appropriately impassioned and masking an understandable hurt. Welcome to the digital age "reach out and shit on someone" why don't you.

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