Dear Nickelback

Out of context: Reply #53

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  • 73 Responses
  • madmanGerald0

    this thread is hilarious. you know how in grade school you pretend to hate the girl you love, this is like that. Closet fans. who else would spend so much time on this. there are so many bands that suck, why is everyone giving Nickleback so much attention? maybee that's why they are bazillionaires and you're not. kiss sucks worse than nickleback. new thread.

    • You sound upset, Nickelback fan.kult
    • not at all. i don't hate it but i don't own any. just think it's funny people care this much.madmanGerald
    • The fact you bothered to post yourself negatives your point.ETM
    • or negates your point.
      Damn, I can't spell today (or ever).
    • no need to make a thread like this, I agree. most people say they hate them anyway...juhls

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