Stuff to watch when youre high

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  • 7point340

    i've done shrooms twice.

    the first time i did it they were quite nice. amazing really. lasted near all day. a friend and myself ended up in the quad on campus, i think with the intent to people watch but who the fuck knows. we ended up running into a friend of his and they started chatting. after a while of this my mind started drifting and i was overcome with the sensation that everyone around me was having the same conversation. not that they were all chattering in a din, all saying the same echoed dialogue, but rather one person sat next to me said one thing and then the response came from a guy walking towards me from 30 feet away, the next people to speak were a group on my left side and then 2 students walking in the opposite direction far off to my right. it was amazing. i was hearing questions over here and hearing them answered over there. it was a symphony. beautifully orchestrated and synchronized. i just sat there for what seemed like a half hour (it was probably 5 mins) marveling at it, and how my friend had no idea what he was missing.

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