Client questions?!?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • benjackson0

    Beware, beware, beware. Clients with little to no experience working with designers are a wily breed. They will give you vague briefs, then tear apart your designs with phrases like "it doesn't have enough pizazz."

    1. Get everything in writing.

    2. Get EVERYTHING in writing. Emails count.

    3. Plan ahead. Get detailed specs about any and all requirements at the outset of the project. Draw up a detailed timeline with every single deliverable included.

    4. Make sure he signs off on all deliverables, including site maps, mock-ups, and the like (do I have to say "in writing" again?).

    5. Get a deposit up front. Any serious client will agree to this. Standard practice is a third upon commitment, a third upon the first deliverable, and the balance upon completion.

    6. Buy and read "The Graphic Designer's Guide to Clients," by Ellen Shapiro. Now. I mean it.

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