Out of context: Reply #7

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  • stewdio0

    If you've coded for the web you understand how painful it is support the many heads of IE. If you've worked in a conservative office you know that sometimes workers don't have the necessary access to download and install a replacement browser. If you've used Windows for a while you know how vulnerable it is to viruses.

    Wouldn't it be an interesting thing if people wrote viruses for Windows boxes that left IE untouched (so no actual damage) but downloaded and installed FireFox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, etc. and set one of them as the default browser. Wouldn't that be lovely? Imagine waking up to the headline "Millions of infected [improved] PCs."

    Imagine a world where browser competition didn't include IE, whose market share is correlated to its install-base and not performance. Instead we'd be left with WebKit, Mozilla, and Opera; organizations that are actually committed to making the web better because their market share depends on it.

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