should I get a mac?

Out of context: Reply #65

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  • brundlefly0

    You know I run a PC desktop, 2.66 gig, one gig of ram, 128 overclocked nvidia card, and I bought a powerbook 17 inch for work, the PC is nice as a gaming alternative, but when I want to get work done, I always use the mac, OSX is so stable, I am not panicked and worried things are going to go wrong, I even converted my girlfriend to get a 12 inch powerbook, she was completely anti mac until she watched me work for days without any problems in illustrator photoshop, quark, dreamweaver, fireworks, painter 8, email, icq, msn, word, browsers, flash, etc conflicts, no blue screen of death....the 17 inch pbook keeps pace and is faster on larger photoshop files as well...amazed, and switched....

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