Sydney became LAME

Out of context: Reply #80

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  • stem0

    I agree miko, like you say, it's the hypocrisy. But what I find interesting is how it's been reported in the media.

    I'm not sure why (maybe 'cos they are right wing - like some of you say), but the media take great pride in having a pop at graffiti artists and because of this, I think graffiti artists should be mindful of this and perhaps use it to their advantage. Use it as a means of getting their ideas/thoughts/grievances across.

    I think what I find missing from most graffiti is a message. It just seems like making your mark for the sake of it, so in that respect it is very self-centered and egotistical.

    All good art, whether it be street or otherwise, is stuff which connects with people. Stuff people can relate to. The majority of graffiti just seems like it's aimed at rival graffiti artists and not at the public. I guess it's got sucked up it's own arse.

    I know loads of people have been doing stencils, but banksy, by fate, luck or very clever planning and i'm sure even marketing has managed to get into the public psyche. In pretty much the same way Damien Hirst managed to do years before.

    They have both used their "small scale" art and brought them into the public domain via the mainstream media.

    Everyday people commented on Hirsts work without even visiting a gallery.

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