Sydney became LAME

Out of context: Reply #74

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  • mikotondria30

    I love all forms of graffiti - from the arthouse type, to stencils and paste-ups to obsessive compulsive taggers who write their name 50 times in a row along a railway embankment, knowing that it will only be seen for the 5 seconds that it takes the train to pass, to those that write their tag on a sticker and put it in every phone booth I go into for months, to those that scrawl up wildstyle on a lonely kerbstone, with great can control fanning out the bottom of the letters, to huge and curiously expressioned faces up on a roof siding appearing overnight. It is a language and dialog all its own that has honestly fed my soul and endlessly inspired me since I was about 14. It is the most vibrant, living organic aspect of any city, and each city on every continent is different, and it's the 1st thing I look for whenever I go somewhere new. It is a conversation between so many people on so many levels, about art, public space, with a vast range of subtlety and detail - when it's done right, tags, stencils, throwups, all together, all competing yet complimentary, in the right place, its just glorious.

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