
Out of context: Reply #395

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  • crabmayo0

    We have a giant Lost email chain at my agency. This was a drunken, but coherent rant I had written. Felt worth posting here.

    I for one never feel like this time-travel arc was involved from the beginning of the show, but rather, was painfully forced into the overall plot over the last 2 seasons. There's just too many issues I have right now with everything that's been going on. One of my biggest issues I brought up a few episodes ago.

    That, everyone ON the island, as well as Ben, keep re-iterating how the Oceanic 6 MUST return to the island, yet never once has this ever been explained. The characters frustratingly just keep complaining that all of the problems are a result of the 6 leaving, yet their departure had no real effect whatsoever on ANYTHING that has happened thus far. Every single issue that has occured since Season 4 is a direct result of Ben moving the island, and the wheel-mechanism being shifted off its axis.

    But these issues go back to the freighter itself. WHY didn't Ben allow Michael to blow up the ship? This problem has never been touched on since, yet it is the ENTIRE reason EVERYTHING has turned to shit. Freighters came, killed tons of people, Ben panicks, moves island, sends island into a time-disarrayed crash course... The oceanic 6 never would have even left if Ben didn't simply destroy the freighter when he had ample chance. And when they DID leave, it had zero effect on anything. Yet NO ONE in the show questions this. They simply quietly buy into this idea that it's their fault and they should return.

    Another issue: Where is the old Jack? The one who took action? He's been spending the last 10 episodes with his puffy hair, sort of just wandering about, barely mustering any emotion above a sneer, and otherwise wimpering around and pleading with people.

    Another issue: Why do the Oceanic 6 have to go through such ridiculous efforts to return to the island? They have the coordinates, that should be enough. Why? Because the Dharma never had to orchestrate bizarre flights with guitars and handcuffs and dead people's shoes. They just had coordinates, then came and went AS THEY PLEASED, recruiting people, and constantly shipping people to and from the island.

    What about how Richard Alpert would routinely leave the island, to interview Juliette, or go scout out her sister and videotape her for Ben? Then he'd return without problems. Same with many of the Others. And what about DESMOND? He was just flailing around in a damned SAILBOAT and stumbled onto the island. No special mathematical coordinates. No preparation. Yet, for some reason, the oceanic 6 have to go through all of this silly stuff when the island actually WANTS them back on it. Why? It seems completely superfluous. Like the writers added it in for no reason. It just adds a silly level of complexity without any real benefit.

    The fact is, almost EVERYONE thus far on the island BESIDES the survivors have had zero difficulty in EVER getting to and from the island. The worst the process ever sounded was via Ethan when he said "the ride is bumpy".

    My last huge issue is how the show has taken a huge massive dump on all of the other survivors. Sure, we only never saw a select group of survivors in the entire show's history, but they never made the other 40+ people seem like such expendable, stupid bags of waste in the first 2 seasons, as they have now. You know things got bad back when the freighters attacked the Barracks and they were getting shot down like toy ducks while Sawyer runs around in the open with Claire unscathed.

    Now, they randomly get blown up or killed en masse by flaming arrows, or completely disappear altogether. Just to make things easier, so we can stare at Sawyer and Juliette all day? FUCK!

    • we have a weekly Lost meeting in the office i'm working. every thursday like clockwork.anxious_arms

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