
Out of context: Reply #41378

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  • magnificent_ruin0

    "So, I think the dust has settled and enough time has passed that I say: you cunts who have been sniffy with me since I offended sensitivities with my Oddblog thread have got it all wrong. The thread was first and foremost just done as a joke but with a desire to keep some unpleasant shit out of the blog that I could see brewing. I'm sure you know what and who I am talking about if you give it just a moment's thought.
    My intentions with Oddblog were actually all to the good, not bad at all, and I think some of you are utter dicks for being offish with me ever since.
    This doesn't apply to everyone, but it does apply to the few, who know who they are. I've totally lost respect for some people as a result of this whole thing. Emukid told me in emails that it had been discussed amongst you offline and that the majority of people in that private discussion felt I was serious with my accusation. Its been pretty obvious since then who was involved in that discussion by the frosty shoulders.
    I think you should consider the irony of getting all minty about an accusation of being cliquey, and reacting to it by having a private discussion about it, and me. If that's not cliquey well clearly I don't know the meaning of the word. So you validated the accusation that was never meant in the first place.
    See you round."

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