Att: Gandholf

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Nairn0

    Aha, I got Celestia and Stellarium mixed up, it was the former that I'd be interested in using SpaceNavigator in, which sadly it doesn't. It does, however, work in stellarium - but only the rotational aspect, which is a bit mundane.

    It's not so much a mouse as a multi-dimensional partner to the mouse when working in 3D. Where the mouse controls the editing of the objects the spacenavigator controls the interaction with the view. So, in Sketchup (for example) I can wield the SN as if it were the object itself, rotating it to rotate the obect, pushing or pulling it to push it away or draw it close. I can push the top down to reduce the height of the camera, or pull it up to do the opposite. If I rock the device forward, so that it rolls rather than shifts forward, I can roll the device on screen.

    It's quite a weird experience. But very useful and - indeed as the site says - very accurate when used. In Google Earth, I can use it to go to any point, at any angle at any speed essentially by just thinking about it. A couple of minor hand-position movements later and I'm where I want to be - having taken the exact camera angle I want in. Flying through the 3D buildings of New York is almost awe-inspiring.

    So, the left hand moves either the object in virtual space, or your view in virtual space, freeing your mouse to dick around with the objects or button pressing as needed.

    I've been fair proselytising about the damned thing since I got it last weekend!

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