One eyed Scottish idiot

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • NickInfozure0

    "Most people here are proud that the prime minister is a Scot and believe him to be the right person to get the UK through this global economic crisis."

    You would hope the Scottish are happy that the UK prime minister is a Scot. He seems to be forgetting that the large majority of people are english and welsh, and do not like Gordon Brown.

    • because he's a scot? not sure I get your angle here buddykelpie
    • Im saying hes trying to make a point about his popularity.NickInfozure
    • But fails to remeber most dont like him.NickInfozure
    • he's the leader of scottish labour ffs! I'm trying to figure out how not liking him in england and wales makes it ok to include his nationality as part of an insult?kelpie
    • nationality as part of an insult?kelpie
    • oh forget it, I dinae carekelpie
    • Scottish or no Scottish, the man is a complete wanker.roundabout
    • true. Wasnt making the point about clarckson. was making the point that the scottish leader was so short sighted to think that his popularity in scotland matters anywhere else in the world.NickInfozure

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