Should I get an iPhone?

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  • 23kon0

    The iphone is for people who want a no nonsense phone that is simple to use. get whatever you think suits your usage and how techy you are.

    I love my iphone for its simplicity, you dont need a manual with the thing. When i was home at christmas my cousins little girl who is 5 years old, picked up my iphone and just started using it and playing with the features - instinctively!
    I bet the couldnt be said for ANY nokia's or Blackberry's.

    My mum got a Blackberry a month ago, used it for a couple of days then swapped it for the iphone. blackberry was too fiddly with its menu's n shit like that.
    I agree with that too - i had a look at it for a few minutes, couldnt do things, got frustrated, put it down.

    • tell me you found out how to silence or reject a call "instinctively"rafalski
    • waaaay easier than having to go into "settings > profiles > silent" etc all the time.paraselene
    • she was playing games n opening n closing apps and navigating round23kon
    • more than she would have been able to do on a blackberry/nokia etc23kon

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