Burn a Million Quid - K Foundation

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • mikotondria30

    The one with the longer hair just reminds me of so many scruffy drug-dealing traveller types that seemed to appear out of nowhere from about 93 onwards. They seemed to consistently go out of their way to do things like put their big army surplus boots on your coffee table, in the full knowledge that noone else was doing it, in a vein attempt to appear to be more rebellious than their middle-class backgrounds would decree, sneer and snark at anything other than their own particular brand of angry technoid parties, put too much hash into poorly rolled joints which would blim your couch and carpets, and generally drone on and on around topics of illegality and ultimately futile anti-capitalistic tactics surrounding dreary traveller party set ups, anarchist issues and a seemingly unending list of people with only one name, such as Puffin, Odey, Malik or Skart and their relative abilities to score weed or manufacture acid in the back of an unroadworthy coach.
    They were, to a man, unemployable, ultimately dull and futureless people who contributed little to the dance scene then, or now, and I never what happened to any of them, but am fairly certain a lot of them still have the same coats and haircuts, and still smell.

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