eco products

Out of context: Reply #68

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  • joeth0

    A massive market failure

    "The market is in many ways an incredible institution. It allocates resources with an efficiency that no central planning body can match and it easily balances supply and demand. The market has some fundamental weaknesses, however. It does not incorporate into prices the indirect costs of producing goods. It does not value nature's services properly. And it does not respect the sustainable yield thresholds of natural systems. It also favors the near term over the long term, showing little concern for future generations..."…

    • Be careful, this is a backdoor to more government control. To taxing, selling co2 quotas and banning harmless technologies.rafalski
    • Sorry to get political on this thread. It's an interesting article though. Sustainability is just starting to take off.joeth
    • The successful companies right now get it. Walmart, Google, Apple, Toyota.joeth

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