eco products

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • joeth0

    Definitely cutting consumption is the big thing. Basically not buying anything unless you really need it, and when you do shop, look for used or rentals. But there are products that help with energy/water/paper/oil consumption...

    - Low-flow shower heads
    - Programmable thermostats
    - Power strips and devices that track energy consumption
    - CFL and LED lighting
    - Digital music, movies etc
    - Reusable bags
    - Reusable water bottles
    - Bicycles, trains, car-sharing programs
    - Home wind turbines, solar panels

    I don't buy the idea that these things don't make a difference. They do make a big difference in personal consumption, and as more people are becoming eco-conscious, they add up and will make a big difference in the kinds of things we demand in our products. You can already see the shift towards greener products at stores.

    Of course, a good bargain always wins over the environment. Consumers are very short-term thinkers. That's why eco products are always most successful when they also save money.

    • buying into green consumerism gives a warm sense of self righteousness to smug middleclass liberals, ie; the target.max_prophet
    • target market.max_prophet
    • Exactly. That's why you should know the difference between greenwashing and truly sustainable products.joeth
    • it takes effort of research and educating yourself... instead of just going along with thingsbukka

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