Petition to Stop RIAA

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • 43 Responses
  • mitsu0

    there's only one way artists can make money for thier albums and curtail the number of people who download their music w/out paying:

    they really need to cut the price of cd's dramatically. i laughed when i went to virgin records last week and saw that most cd's were between $17 and $18 and up... immediatley i felt the desire to go straight home and download music just to spite those responsible for this.

    what does the cost need to be? it needs to outweigh or equal the time or cost of going through the trouble of downloading an entire album. a price that would make someone say... hmmm.. i'd rather just go to the store and buy this album and copy the songs to my ipod later...

    what i don't know is what that cost would be. what seems fair to you may not seem fair to others...

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