CSS ? again

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • sparker0

    i think the problem you're experiencing is related to IE. if i click on a box in firebird it stays black until i click on a different menu item.

    this goes for both text and the box element.

    so i think it works the way you want it to.

    but, your css document is a little funky.

    one of the best things you can do is to asign a "display: block;" to each a element. then change the background color depending on which state the a element is in.

    you will need to define rules for all the states - active, hover, visited, and the normal 'a'.

    also, this is a good time to adapt using lists for menus like this.

    read this: http://www.alistapart.com/storieā€¦

    it will help you set up a basic menu with mouse-over effects in css and valid xhtml.

    also, and this is personal opinion, but i wouldn't rely on frames for any site.

    hope this helps.

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