Impression of Bush

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • eating_tv0

    As a European, as a Dutchman, as an "ally"... Bush was a dud. I'm glad he's gone. The American presidency is probably the most important job in the world. At least it was, 9 years ago. Not even the head of the United Nations has that much influence. China, Russia and the Middle Eastern states of the UAE, Qatar, Oman and Bahrein to name a few - are gaining ground in power and importance. The old balance between east and west is gone. It's no longer black and white, there are now many shades of gray. Europe, The States and some other "western" countries scattered around the globe (Japan, Oz, New Zealand for instance) will have a struggle upon their hands. Though it's much less of a struggle than you might think. The playing field is abstract. It's commercial, trade, politics. I just hope none of the cash generated in these brand new economies will end up in a brand new arms race. I sincerely hope Obama will clean up the position of the American Presidency. So far I think he'll look at details again, and context. Not blindly follow his out-of-date ideals. Not follow his "gut instincts" from someone out of touch with reality. I think he's much more of a statesman, a global -and- an American leader. Kofi Annan has such traits. Other politicians also shared those traits. Gorbatsjov, Mandela, Kennedy. Obama will be taken serious again, this you can already tell.

    I just hope that - as sadly happened to so many great men and women - his career won't be marred with tragedy. Personal tragedy, in particular. I hope he will serve two full, giving and wonderous terms. A "Pax Americana?" Let's not have a president die too soon again, the irony is that so many heroes have become heroes because of their untimely deaths. Let's not repeat history for once...

    Bush - as you will have noticed in my writing - is hardly mentioned already. He's a blind man. Guided by what he calls his ideals, his faith. Now I have nothing against faith, but when it tears apart lives, shreds hope and spreads hate and thickens contrasts like a disease - his ideals aren't for the greater good. I agree that technological advances should always be ethically tested. However not used for the wrong ideals, such as power, or for the better of one group or a single individual.

    I'm not talking about abortion, stem-cell research or condoms even. Those are mere tools to make sure your life and that of your loved ones can enjoy equal opertunities to the max. No, i'm talking about the dirty technology of war. It's outdated. Should have been ctrl+alt+deleted a long time ago. But alas, though children know war is bad. But grown up men with too much at stake and the wrong "ideals" seem to have forgotten these kindergarten lessons. Had they lost their fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, their own sons and daughters, family-members and friends due to bombs from people claiming to "bring democracy" - they'd be disillusioned themselves too.

    Bush will be remembered for his wars, alright. But for all the wrong reasons.

    - Sebas van den Brink

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