Is midge a fool?

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • kezza_20

    its the perfect time to start a business.

    a year ago, clients couldn't give a fuck how much money they were wasting, now they want small efficient agencies to work with. Ive had 3 calls from ex clients wanting me to have a chat.

    Also a year ago I couldn't get a fucking designer at all who didnt want 80k because they knew how to turn on a computer, noe there is talent swishing about, at good rates

    A lot of ad spend is moving to digital, I've never been busier since I left tv ad world for digital ad world.

    seriously man phoenix from the ashes time, loads of people and shops will disappear, and the next AKQA's are being formed as we speak. I'm in one.

    • Next AKQA? you make it sound like AKQA is actually a great shop.JSK
    • Fuck Yeah! thats the response I was after!Midge
    • AKQA's founders are millionaires many times over.kezza_2
    • doesnt make it a good shopgentleman
    • And thats how you measure success? Money isnt everything friend. Doing good work is.JSK
    • erm they were voted agency of the year, and as far as I can tell are amazing.kezza_2
    • lol you pay attention to that?
      but that thing has got to be revenue based.
    • saying that my studio came in 2nd place! in it's first year and with only 30 people...elpaso
    • http://chumpsview.tu…elpaso
    • hey not me saying it but campaign mag in the UKkezza_2
    • i know.. thats where that clipping was from! :Delpaso

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