Experimental Jetset

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • Meeklo0

    "I have to say, I find most of their stuff really sterile and impersonal, as such, I often wonder whether it actually does it's job, does anyone outside other designers actually engage with this stuff?"


    It's interesting you said that. I've never looked at it that way.
    I love their work but what you said just triggered something I always think of, and that is finding my own style.

    I see for example people like Michael Place whom I really admired since the early days, and sometimes you can recognize his personal style over the actual brand on the project.

    Then you have the wave of imitators, that are so inspired or influence by his work that end up doing their projects as if they were thinking "How would M.Place do this?". Then their project looks like a piece done by Place, and the actual brand identity is forgotten.

    Same thing happens with for example No Pattern, he has an entire organization of 10000s of designers/ artists trying to make a name for themselves by making their work look like it was done by him.

    And I think.. am I ever going my own style?
    Is having a unique style a good thing?
    Doesn't it get in the way of the identity of the project?

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