getting started in freelance?

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  • neferiu0

    Depends - you cant legally take clients from one company if you signed an agreement upon hiring saying so.. If you DO work with clients you did at the old company, make them sign something saying that THEY approached YOU.

    There was an issue with a printer I had, I went to the company he worked for religiously based on his customer service. When he left and started up his own company, the company he left tried suing him because all his customers went to his company instead because they all wanted to keep dealing with the same guy. His lawyer got him to get his clients to sign a form saying "I went to him, he did not approach me and try to steal me away." and he was all good with a stack of those puppies signed by his loyal customers. :P

    Its definitely sticky tho... cover all bases & talk to a lawyer...

    • Unless you live in California where no compete agreements are illegalmtgentry

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