your/my dream

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • 0711830

    Last night, I dreamt that I was a rebel vampire driving a Cadillac filled with ammo and guns. Lance Henrickson (sp?) was an FBI agent in charge of trying to find me. Another vampire was in charge of trying to eliminate Lance.

    The end scene was me sitting in a car within a parking garage, hiding from the Feds, all the while watching as the other vampire searched for Lance. The vampire was eventually "killed" by a few Feds. I realized this was a dream, so in order to get away from the Feds, I drove through the wall of the garage, and jumped out of the car as it fell toward a gigantic grassy gorge, and yet, I had no fear of falling to my death, as I could fly. That's when the everything went into slow motion and the credits started to roll.

    It was actually kind of cool when I realized I was in a dream, as I began to take control, hence the odd ending.

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