Quit Smoking

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  • ukit0

    One thing that's useful is to recognize that it's a powerful addiction. If you were trying to quit heroin you would probably take time off work and board yourself in your room for a few days like in Trainspotting, or even check yourself in to the hospital. On the other hand people think they can go cold turkey off cigarettes while continuing the pressures of everyday life, but it's very difficult. It wouldn't be completely crazy to take some time off work and try to plan out some time where you were focusing on nothing else but quitting.

    After the initial couple weeks, the most important thing is to change your lifestyle. If you go out drinking a lot and are use to having a cigarette in your hand, trust me, you will relapse. If you are used to smoking weed once in a while and having a cig it will be that much more difficult too. After about a year or so, I now have zero desire for a cig, even when I am stressed or completely wasted, it just doesn't appeal to me, so yes it does get easier after a while.

    • Nicotine and heroin have about equal levels of actual physical addictionTheBlueOne

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