Quit Smoking

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  • TheBlueOne0

    I quit about ten years ago. I started smoking at 14, quit at 29. Used to smoke probably a pack and half a day. I had taken up martial arts at 26 and was tired of getting winded in the class, and besides I started to live healthier, so the smoking had to go.

    What made it stick though was smoking like three packs and getting hammered on New Years Eve and then waking up with a godawful hangover. I couldn't smoke if I tried...even the following day I was still pretty sick and couldn't even look at a cig. Three days into the New Year I was like "Fuck I've made it three days already might as well keep going...".

    I backslid a few times, but always when drinking copious amount, which made the hangovers worse and made me realize the special tang that cigarettes added to hangovers. An older gentleman gave me some great advice on quitting which worked for me, he told me "You'll always crave a cigarrette, but whether you actually smoke one or not, the craving will go away." And he was right.

    But if you do quit I suggest also taking up some kind of physical activity and also finding something to do with your mouth - chew gum, suck on toothpicks... and avoid the usual cigarette triggers for a while - you know - bars, coffee...as much as you can. Change your routine, in other words so you don't have as many triggers.

    It's well worth it. Quit.

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