Job Aplication

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • 40 Responses
  • mikotondria30

    Yeh, this absolutely and honestly, in reality, without a word of a lie, judged by persons of experience, intelligence and integrity, is
    The person who wrote this test is clearly - and I want to make this clear, a jumped up little wanker who has no understanding of how the people they will be employing can possibly consistently produce quality work. It is someone who is not, or has ever been in the role for which they are hiring, and indeed has not ever worked closely with or near people who do this work.
    This is like going for a job as a legal secretary and being given the task of preparing opening statements on a class action case against a 'fictional drug company'. Just make up the complaints and the medical evidence.
    If you really want a job at this company, go to the owner and wave this insultingly childish and inept little waste of time in their face and laugh, giving them an ultimatum that if they want a professional to do the job they have given to this monkey then they'd better hurry up about it, cause the whole operation is going to fail spectacularly if this person has any input whatsoever.

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