Job Aplication

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • ian0

    Oh, I actually did this once.

    Went tyo an interview, it was the most fucked up stupid interview I'd ever been to, the guy told me they'd laid off all their designers a few months before and were in the process of rebuilding. Jesus, way to instill confidence in me bro.

    Anyway this bloke asks me to do a time trial to design a website in 3 hours. he leads me into the office and gives me a desk. I design a site, basic, but ok in 3 hours (plus a crash, cos Im on a PC) and I realise, this is a shit office. The place is like fucking dawn of the dead in there. Im sat in there with a bunch of fucking zombies (the left overs of the previous firing round) and I think, I do not want to work here.

    next day I'm at another interview in a different place, they offer me the job on the spot and I take it, knowing I don't want to work in the other place. Ever.

    Few days later I get a call from zombieville, do you want a job? No I say, and they say, you haven't heard the salary. Its more than the place I accepted but fuck it, its not worth it.

    Two weeks later I get a cheque in the mail for the time I spent working on the time trial. Sweet i say. then spend the nest three years regretting accepting the job I took.

    Fuck em, Im drunk anyway.

    • that there is a classic story to summarise life.airey
    • You can put it on a tshirt airey, I've got me credit card ready.ian

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