
Out of context: Reply #15

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  • rounce0

    Firstly to answer your question boobs; Flex comes with extra classes for UI design and control, data visualisation, even a lo-fi Window Manager.

    Ok, I thought I'd try to be clever last night with the single word post but that's obviously backfired as some peeps have just spouted a load of myths and buzzwords.

    "You can download a free 60-day trial from Adobe currently, so just download it for free and check it out." - Or you can download the binaries of the Adobe supported open source version of the plugin for eclipse which is generally rather complete but comes sans the UI builder but if you NEED that then you probably shouldn't be using Flex anyway.

    "Flex = backend integration" - No it doesn't, sure there are some extra classes in the Flex specific framework that makes dealing with web services slightly easier but communicating with any (well written) backend would be just as possible in Flash aswell. Flex isn't a magic bullet for RIA dev.

    "flex = great for application front end. not so hot for rich/designy websites." - monNom: You mean YOU'RE not so hot at programming responsive clean UIs?
    The truth is if you can imagine how it works, you can most likely write it*.
    * Some things will take more imagining than others to reach fruition.

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