
Out of context: Reply #17

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  • Nairn0

    I can't (for the life of me) find anything about it, but I saw footage of a weapon test over the past couple of years which consisted of this spinning puck thing which would be fired over a 'convoy' of tanks (you know, all spread out in formation). It would somehow work out where each of the tanks was, then fire some kind of heavy-loaded explosive at each of them in turn. Fucker could take out, like, 20-odd tanks in mere seconds.

    Anyway, whatever it was - it's the kind of thing that would sit quite nicely on a terrestrial version of that demonic mkv. It'd only need a few seconds aloft - you could even do an anti-personnel version, dividing the kill mass of the anti-tank version and upscaling the computation abilities to be able to take out a hundred targets at once.

    Fuck me, this coffee is good - nothing better than being slightly wired and envisaging highly efficient future murder-devices.

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