Your Agency Hiring/Firing?

Out of context: Reply #43

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  • ETM0

    The little shops with 1 to 5 employees that do real solid work (especially web) are going to be the ones to do well right now.
    The fact that their rates are lower than many large agencies, due to less overhead, will be an obvious plus to clients. Better flexibility and more personal client relations will be a big asset as well.

    If you are looking for work, I would be looking at the smaller guys who may find themselves actually growing a bit during this mess while they fill some of the void left by larger companies.

    Many companies are not going to stop advertising, as during poor economic times they need to be more visible than ever to fight over the limited consumer dollar. But HOW they spend their advertising money will be the change. As eluded to in other posts... print is not the place. People will not be buying frivolous magazines right now, but they'll sure be surfing the web. But even in that, regular old banner ads and sponsorships won't due, they'll be looking for something really innovative.

    • These are the times that innovative people / companies often get noticed and can shine.ETM
    • Well said...fyoucher1
    • I've heard the same.kstarjet
    • i'm doing direct mailBenWeeks

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