New Morrissey Album Art

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • mikotondria30

    I think he looks awesome, he is a man of style no matter what you think of his fashion sense. For anyone - and there are increasingly millions of you, that haven't endlessly listened to the Smiths albums over and over, then please do so - as poignant and dark, and humourous and honest poetry as there is - his work in the smiths lends itself to implanting verbatim in ones memory for decades after...summairily dark, but bitter-sweet illuminations of the tragic, lonely and futile corners of life we all find ourselves in, many years on in good times and bad, Mozza's ironic musings maintain their ability to amuse, shock, comfort and scorn us - if you ever had a suspicion you were taking yourself too seriously, you probably were - Morrissey's work holds a mirror to our pointed faces in an effortlessly efficient snarkless and parental way; the man can do little wrong, and his accidental fame is borne well on his awkward shoulders. If you don't understand what he's saying, you're probably not listening hard enough, or he's just that much smarter than you. And me.

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