Getting Laid off

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • Moo0

    Work told us on friday that they are laying off a load of people and on friday I got an email from my boss saying that my position was save as I'm the only web designer so that made my wife a little happier BUT then yesterday I got told they had made a mistake and that I was up for the chop with the rest :( how could my boss get it so wrong i can't believe how my work is being run with people like him in charge what a joke.

    *****END RANT******

    • that fucking sucks massively. feel for you. I hope you get a decent deal in redundancykelpie
    • I'm sorry man, bosses should be help accountable for so many ineptidudes.chossy
    • yep and at the moment as it stands I'm not due an reduency which is a shitterMoo
    • Yeah you should make a complaint.aaux

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