How long can you go?

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • kelpie0

    fucking hell, how on earth can you guys afford that??

    less than a month for me, as I have difficulty getting through one as is ;D

    I'd need a job of some sort pretty much as soon as the other one wound up. Any job at all.

    • was thinking the same thing..neue75_bold
    • christ. the only reason i could do it is because i haven't had a paycheque since august so the next one'll be a doozy!paraselene
    • it's a doozy :D, get your husband to pay for loads of shit and give him the secks in return men dig that shit :Dchossy
    • Ever since I went freelance I have tucked away a certain amount for that "rainy day" each month. Hasn't rained yetDancer

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