Artism - Art for Autism - LAST CHANCE

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • Horp0

    I can't speak for everyone obviously but January is traditionally a quiet spot in the calender. Personally my January's for the last two years have been packed, but before that I sometimes didn't see any work until mid-march.

    If you consider the current economic climate I think its safe to assume that January will be very quiet for more people. Post Christmas blues coupled with the uncertainty about the market will make for a very negative feeling in the new year. If people are sat around twiddling their thumbs it will really get to them.

    If you get them to do something for this, a lot of people would throw themselves into it and do really great pieces of work becuase it will feel like a chance to get out there and show their best stuff.

    If I was you though, I wouldn't go and add more confusion to anything now by siuddenly deciding on 'yet another deadline extension' because it gives the impression that you aren't getting any artwork and are failing.

    Stick to your November deadline. Chase up what you can and get all the work in over December. Work out your layouts and be working on any other design elements required.

    Then, when January comes around, do a new, fresh, energised call for entires for 'phase 2' of the project.

    That would be my advice. Sorry for the long post.

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