How not to apply for a job

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • 43 Responses
  • SteveJobs0

    AD: Good morning. Studio A.
    RD: ehhh, yeeeeh.. who is it then?
    AD: I'm sorry?
    RD: who've i got here?
    AD: This is studio A, sir. May I ask who I'm speaking with?
    RD: well, mate, i'm chip, the rockstaw you looking for then, right?
    AD: Ahhhhh... yyyyes, ummm thanks for getting back to me... Are you interested in coming in for an interview?
    RD: Whot company was'is again?
    AD: Um, Studio A
    RD: OH YEAH, ROIGHT ROIGHT!!! Right... what.. does yo' company do, then?
    AD: Um, well we blah blah blah
    RD: awrioit, when can I come in?
    AD: I can get you in on Thursday, 3pm.
    RD: um what is the salary?
    AD: Huh (wtf?)
    RD: and you got them rockstar energy drinks? i likes them, i do.
    AD: umm... well we can discuss compensation, benefits, perks when you come in.
    RD: well, i'm just askin' 'cause last interview I had, I drove like 4 minutes and they couldn't offer me what I was asking for. so it was a waste of my time.
    AD: Ooooo K, what are you asking for?
    RD: what you offering?
    AD: I can't throw out a number before looking over your skills and experience.
    RD: $250k
    AD: Haha
    RD: hahahaha hahaaha
    AD: Haha hahahaha hahaaha hahahaha hahaaha
    RD: hahahaha hahaaha hahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaaha
    AD: Haha hahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaaha
    RD: hahahaha hahaaha hahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaahahahahaha hahaaha
    AD: *Click*
    RD: hahahaha hahaaha.. hahha.. ha... heh.. ...
    RD: hello?

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