new portfolio site

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • 16 Responses
  • fyoucher10

    My thoughts;

    Looks iight, not too shabby. What I don't like is the dot this and dot that throughout the site (i.e. .PORTFOLIO, .CONTACT). Think it's unnecessary and makes it feel too auto-kern init. That might just be me tho.

    I don't dig the rollover colors for the nav (you're using different shades of gray which are a bit too light for the rest of the site. Plus, some of them towards the bottom aren't filling up the entire button area which needs to be fixed.

    I think the grid column used in the about us section for all of that copy is too wide. It's hard to read using the aliased font. Maybe try making the width smaller or stacking those paragraphs into multiple columns.

    Don't dig the texture on world map, it looks blurry. Maybe try a solid color like white.

    It would be a nice change to see the background image change occasionally.

    I think all of the content is a bit too close to the left of the browser window. Maybe try bumping everything to the right 20 pixels.

    There's some bugs in your portfolio section. Over here on FF2, the first row of images for Emo aren't aligned top. All three columns are shifted.

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