when was the last time you got in a fight

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  • mimeartist_com0

    2000 - Paris - Threw a snowball at some people, proceeded to chase me and my mate, I was being kicked in the head by about 5 or 6 of them until someone shouted Police. Walked back to our hotel, on the way stopped for a beer, and some French geezer didn't understand why we didn't really want to talk to him. My mate was my best man about a month ago and told everyone I hid under a car in his speech... thanks mate!

    • They're savages.. some scumbags approached my camera at a demonstration in Paris but I got away..rafalski
    • luckily they were all wearing reebok pumps so it cushioned the blows somewhat... although i did have a clicking jaw on the eurostar home
    • eurostar homemimeartist_com

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