Plus Festival_Birmingham

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • rybo0

    Did anyone else go to this its been great so far..

    I was in an Ian Anderson seminar where he had to talk about hybrid as it was the theme of the festival, he didn't enjoy it and know one asked any questions! so i caught him in the cafe about reminded him about my project and he said its been pushed to one side as they have a lot on right now, but he will definatly get it done. i discovered that when he was at school he had to do a not acidenmic thing out of school hours and instead of doing football with the rest of the lads he used to go to a disability school and help out with the kids some being autistic.


    i went to a seminar this evening which featured jonathan barnbrook which was very very very interested has be gripped and was even heckled by a stone carver at the back of the room chizling away when barnbrook explained how he used to do headstone carving and experiments with it in different ways.

    My college lecturer is actually a pal of barnbrook and he also did a seminar for FEED, so them pair arranged to go out for a curry with the organisers of guess what i got invited has some great conversations with him and he is a top top bloke.


    • Dude, your grammar is appalling. I'm not having a go, but it's very important. You don't want to come across as stupid...Jimbo82
    • stupid, as I am sure you are not.Jimbo82

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