site crit (

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • Nairn0

    I echo the shrill complaints of a horizontal scrollbar (on my lappie here, anyway) and query the employment of drop shadows - they seem a little overwrought. I wonder whether shifting the layout leftwards a handful of pixels or so might make the vertically-orientated headers clearer?

    I'm not sure that having the single-most critical piece of information - your contact details - vertically-orientated and unclickable is a wise move. Likewise the About descriptor - you really want me to hurt my neck reading that?

    I guess you're working on it still as there are a couple of of broken links, but I like the layout overall though - good job!

    • wer - it's a vast improvement on that directory-based framework you were using..Nairn
    • Totally agree. I really was trying to identify space. Sucks that it is completely jacked on smaller monitors. Kills the whole experience.dibec

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