Another QBN Dad!!

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • harlequino0

    Thank you, sirs and ma'am's!!

    It's been a hell of a week. Gigi is 10 days old, and being a dad is quite a gas.

    I think the neatest thing I've learned and felt thus far is this really intense connection to the natural world. Seeing this critter for the first time and realizing it is part of me and this other person for whom I'd die in a second, is quite a hell of a thing. I mean really, seriously, PART of me.
    Now, don't get me wrong. This isn't some suburban, weepy, "oh look at the little miracle" type of faux existential (actually it's totally faux existential, haha) crap. But a feeling of real synergy, a sensation of being plugged in, and part of this enormous organic system. It's pretty kickass, and this kid is already very funny.

    *Note: I'm on my second martini

    **Note note: my god, my wife's boobs are so awesome right now

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