My Magazine

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • max_prophet0

    The choice of typeface for the headers is awful, it looks like it's from Da Font. You don't seem to have enough styles for the text itself, it looks like you just have a style for headings and a style for body copy. You need to hinstriduce some standfirsts and leads, you should have some decent pullquote styles to help break up the monotony of the copy which lkooks like it's been handled like decorative blocks of lorem ipsum and little consideration to pace or flow. I flicked through some more and found some subheads but I think the italic is jarring especially against the para insets you have there. If you are having insets I wouldn't use them under a subhead like that. I'm flicking through a bit further in and it's improving as I go through, but I still think the articles need to be made more accessible and interesting because at the moment its more like "ooh pretty pictures... err oh and there's some words" - I'd want to introduce some sideboxes and pullquotes. I'd look at ditching the use of free fonts for headers but I may be being snobbish, this is probably fine for the audience.

    The car graphic thing on the RHS part of the running head is... not to my tastes... but it also doesn't seem to fit in with the rest and I find the running head itself a bit dominant. It's kind of like a ticking clock, once you notice its there, it just gets louder and louder.

    All in all I think the imagery is working well, but I think you need to spice up the article's and inform the reader what they are about and how interesting they are so they'll actually read them. And be wary of cheapass, dated typefaces. Respect content and pay attention to pace. More typographic detail.

    ramble on don't I?

    • "hinstriduce" WTF?

    • +1akrokdesign
    • I do agree with your detailed instruction of typeface, yup some typo are from da fonts and rest adobe font foliothanks_kelpie

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