den haag

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  • janne760

    den haag is nice. even though it is very much split up. you have the rock/freeminded side and the government/embassy formal side.

    Lange Voorhout is the place for a classy atmosphere and nice bookmarkets every now and then.. (close to our govt. building Binnenhof, you can go to the fish shed and buy a good herring!)

    Grote Markt is where a lot of bars are, and FREE WiFi on the entire square including all the bars, provided you sit close to the window, the internetrouter is actually outside i believe..
    Boterwaag and Zwarte Ruiter are 2 of my fave places to be there.

    Boterwaag is excellent place for lunch, coffee and general hanging out, really nice, large and cozy place, tons of mags/papers to read and always lots of posters/flyers on the wall in the corner, good Dutch graphic design to see.. excellent coffee and sammiches as well!

    Also, to be really touristy go to the Netherlands miniature style "Madurodam".

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