Swearing at Clients

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • sherm0

    got into a little disagreement with a client once.
    she needed to pay the balance on the project I worked on. She never answered emails/phone calls etc. If I did get her on the phone, she'd say she was going out of town and try her when she gets back.

    This went on for months.

    I finally decided to pull the plug on her website and took it down. I was greeted a couple days later with a phone call more like a screaming tirade about why was her site down bla bla bla. I'm like you need to pay me. Pay me my money, and I will put your site back up.

    She cursed some more at me, but I got my money. She said I never have to worry about hearing from her again or any more work from her. Like I give a damn.

    • Too right. I've been in that same boat. Take it down until they pay. Why give them work that is unpaid?MSL

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