The Bible

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • designbot0

    This is a tired old attack on the Bible, it's a ridiculous claim.

    Where there is no way to prove some of the supernatural claims in the Bible, it is the most substantiated book of all time in terms of historical and archeological evidence. Also, in some cases you have over 1,000 year gaps of time in found biblical manuscripts with literally no differences between them...or the only differences being the way certain words were spelled...but not in meaning.

    There are over 25,000 ancient manuscripts discovered and archived so far, at least 5,600 of which are copies and fragments in the original Greek text. Some of these manuscript texts date to as early as 40-60 years after the original text were written.

    So of these 25,000 manuscripts we have, and only minor differences existing between them (and even then, never differences in meaning) I don't see how this claim can be made.

    There is literally no ground to stand on with this claim when based on all the available information. Afterall, what are they comparing the texts we have available too to say it has been changed? How could you make this claim unless you had the original Bible? Again, all the evidence available says the contrary.

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