
Out of context: Reply #26964

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  • emukid0


    I have collected all the feedback from others and we have some suggestions for modifications to the design of the homepage. Could you please incorporate these suggestions into the next version of the design?

    1. Color scheme: several people noted the contrast of the color scheme seemed too starch. I know we had discussed some of the challenges of using earth tones, but would you experiment with the color pallet to see if you can incorporate some greens, blues and browns? Also, could you experiment with background color, to see if there is a nice alternative to the white?

    2. Title banner and header: I also received some feedback about the title banner with the picture. Overall, people liked the picture, but thought the text block was too jolting and didn?t really invite the viewer in. Can you experiment with changing the font size, color scheme, or orientation to make it stick out less? We also may need to edit the text to make it shorter, but I can think about that. Also, the title banner on the top of the screen was an issue. Can you play around with the color and orientation of that to make the name more prominent.

    3. Fonts: it was suggested that you try using more ?earthy? or ?
    exotic? fonts. This is hard to describe, but I think you will get the meaning. Currently, the text is very modern, clean and sharp. Could you try fonts with softer edges or more curvature?

    These are the main areas. General feedback was that the spatial orientation of the webpage and organization was good. I like the efficiency of the design and the ease of navigation. We don?t want to loose that, but some of the others felt there should be some more embellishments, or visual features that invite the viewer in more, reflect the diversity of our partners, and incorporate a modern feel with a more aged looked.

    XXXX identified the websites below as ones that he liked from a design perspective. Take a look and see if you can incorporate any of these concepts.


    Feel free to email me with specific questions or design concepts. I think once we have agreed on the design for the homepage, the other pages will follow in a similar design and organization. Thanks for all your hard work. Let me know if you have any questions.

    • *kills selfemukid
    • You received this rape of decency?Nairn
    • i am afraid i didemukid
    • and i love it.emukid
    • is there a nice alternative to the white?Nairn
    • yes, a kick in the snatch.emukid

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