Beautiful Inside My Head Forever

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • spl33nidoru0

    janne, getting all offensive and spamming your own thread doesn't make you right. the only thing it does is making me log back into this site.

    most people you talk about Hirst to don't consider it art, funny enough most people I talk about his work to do consider it art, what does that prove ?

    you don't like it, alright. but why some people NEED for others to feel the same way they do when it comes to art is beyond me.

    there's no absolute truth in art (and that's an absolute truth).

    as for the fact that many of his works are put together or painted by assistants, i don't see why it's bugging you so much or why you feel the need to know who they are.
    it's been a tradition in art for centuries, and I doubt you're interested in knowing who installed the windows in a Frank Lloyd Wright house, or who painted eyebrows on Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling.

    • "and I doubt you're interested in knowing who installed the windows in a Frank Lloyd Wright house, or who painted eyebrows on Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling."janne76
    • i would be very interested. how odd that may seem to you.janne76

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