Quit job or Not?

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • Copey0

    Also Tark: there is no talking. You can't talk to him; he just talks down at you instead. It will just get more personal and make my job even worse as I know he will think am trying to belittle him or talk him down with new ideas or common sense for a business point. He is very controlling and his way is the only way. So I can't be arsed.
    Like today telling me to take out 16pages in the magazine as the magazine is to big. I try and explain that there is to many adverts in there already and will look a hell lot worse if you take out 16 page of content (more content was added to pad it out nice), also advertisers might not like it and readers.... do he listen... nope... just started telling me about costs , targets and stuff. So just said ok sound I'll take out 16 pages. Now the mag looks shit as every other page is adverts and no break of 1pg ad , 1 pg, content, ad, etc.... for about 100 pages.... no nice double spreads to break it up a little.... wreaks my head!

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